How to play Pickleball

Basic Rules:

1. Scoring: Points can only be scored by the serving team. The serving team's score is always called first, followed by the receiving team's score, and then the server number (1 or 2 for doubles).

2. Serve Rotation: The serve starts from the right side (even court) and moves diagonally across the court. After each point scored, the server switches sides, moving from right to left or left to right. The receiving side does not alternate sides.

3. Serve Turn: The first server continues serving until a fault is committed, then the serve passes to the second server on the team. The serve alternates between teams after each fault.

4. First Server Exception: At the start of the game, only the player on the right side serves. After losing the serve, they become the second server. The score is called as "0-0-2" to indicate this.

5. Player Positioning: When a team's score is even, the first server must be on the right side of the court; when odd, they must be on the left. If this isn't the case, there's either a mistake in positioning or in calling the score.

Doubles Pickleball Scoring Guide & Rules

1. Points are earned exclusively by the serving team; the receiving team cannot accumulate points.

2. The first serve is executed by the player positioned on the right side of the court (referred to as the even court), directed diagonally to the opposing court.

3. Upon winning a point, the server transitions to the left court (odd court) for the subsequent serve.

4. At the onset of a game, the serving team begins with the #2 serve, signifying a sideout should they lose the rally. This protocol is exclusive to the initial serve of a game.

5. The serving sequence proceeds from right to left for the serving team, with each successful point.

6. Players on the serving team alternate their positioning from right to left following each point scored, whereas the receiving team maintains their respective court sides.

7. Following the loss of a rally by the first server, the serve shifts to the second server on the team, who remains stationed on the same side of the court.

8. The designation of server number (1 or 2) is applicable solely for the current service turn. The player positioned on the right side upon regaining the serve assumes the role of the first server for that specific service sequence.

Singles Pickleball Scoring Guide & Rules

1. Points in singles play follow the same principles as doubles.

2. The initial server for singles play is the player who starts on the right side of the court.

3. Scoring proceeds in the same manner as in doubles, with the serving player transitioning between the right and left sides of the court.

time to hit the court

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Scoring tutorial

Rules tutorial